Join us for a ETC LED and Colour Lighting Workshop

ETC Europe and The Lir Academy present a one-day ETC training session on the LED and Colour at The Lir Academy Dublin.

The world of lighting and colour control has changed since LED first came to the market.

The way we talk about colour has changed, the way we work with colour has changed and the way we can control colour has changed – but the core principles of lighting and design are still the same.

Being able to manage this new technology and merge it into our workflows as programmers, technicians and designers can sometimes be a challenge.

Join us for a day of colour magic as we do a deep dive into the theory and science behind colour and LED and explore some avenues into integrating this new technology into your workflow as seamlessly as possible.

Hosted by Declan Randall from ETC, this session will focus on colour theory, LED technology, programming practice and design.

Date and Time: Friday 24th March, 10am – 5pm, at The Lir

This is a free day long workshop but booking is essential, places are allocated on a first come first served basis. Book via our Short Course Section