by Brokentalkers


  • Performance

Box Office

If you have any further questions or wish to book over the phone, call us on +353 (0) 1 896 2559

Over the last few months, the RISING project has brought together Docklands residents, Brokentalkers Theatre Company and Trinity College Dublin to explore what matters to people in the area regarding climate change.

Already RISING has started an Edible Garden in Ringsend, begun a campaign to improve litter collection and recycling facilities, and considered how to get local employers to act in a more sustainable way. They had a range of presentations from academics and staff in Trinity, drank coffee, ate lots of biscuits, wrote down their thoughts and even did some singing!

Come along to their presentation to hear more about our RISING activities, meet your neighbours who have been working on the project, have a laugh and be inspired to get more involved in local climate change action.


This event is free but ticketed