Colin Cambpell, East of Berlin, dir by Lee Wilson, set design by Ger Clancy. Image Keith Dixon
Colin Campbell, East of Berlin directed by Lee Wilson, set design by Ger Clancy.
Robbie O'Connor, East of Berlin. Image by Keith Dixon
Colin Campbell, East of Berlin by Hannah Moscovitch, directed by Lee Wilson.
Robbie O'Connor, East of Berlin by Hannah Moscovitch, directed by Lee Wislon
Colin Campbell and Erin Flanigan, East of Berlin by Hanna Moscovitch directed by Lee Wilson
Erin Flanagan and Colin Campbell, East of Berlin, set design by Ger Clancy. Image by Keith Dixon
Robbie O'Connor & Colin Campbell, East of Berlin, dir by Lee Wilson. Image by Keith Dixon
Colin Campbell, Robbie O'Connor, Erin Flanigan, East of Berlin, set design by Ger Clancy
Colin Campbell and Erin Flanigan, East of Berlin by Hannah Moscovitch.
Erin Flanigan and Colin Campbell, East of Berlin. Image by Keith Dixon
Colin Campbell, East of Berlin, directed by Lee Wison, lighting by Zia Holly. Image by Keith Dixon
Colin Campbell and Erin Flanigan, East of Berlin. Image by Keith Dixon.
Colin Campbell, East of Berlin, directed by Lee Wilson, costume design by Naomi Faughnan