Patrick Martins, The Academic, Homos, or Everyone in America by Jordan Seavey. Photo by Keith Dixon
Homos, or Everyone in America by Jordan Seavey. Set Design by Rodolfo Villalobos. Photo by Keith Dixon
Homos, or Everyone in America by Jordan Seavey. Directed by Chris Moran. Lighting Design by Blue Hanley
Sile Maguire, Homos or Everyone in America by Jordan Seavey. The Lir Academy, June 2019. Photo by Keith Dixon
Patrick Martins and Éanna Grogan as The Academic and The Writer. Costume design by Susan Yanofsky.Homos, or Everyone in America by Jordan Seavey. Photo by Keith Dixon
Tiernan Messitt-Greene, Homos, or Everyone in America by Jordan Seavey. Photo by Keith Dixon
Patrick Martins and Éanna Grogan. Homos, or Everyone in America by Jordan Seavey. Photo by Keith Dixon
Tiernan Messitt-Greene and Éanna Grogan, Dan and The Writer. Homos, or Everyone in America by Jordan Seavey. Photo by Keith Dixon
Patrick Martins and Éanna Grogan. Homos, or Everyone in America by Jordan Seavey. Photo by Keith Dixon
Éanna Grogan and Sile Maguire. The Writer and Laila. Homos, or Everyone in America by Jordan Seavey. Photo by Keith Dixon