I A Clown

One of the participants felt so strongly about this course that she sent us an email
"Creative, enlightening, humbling, terrifying, hilarious - some of the words that attempt to describe my experience of a week long clowning course - I a Clown - with Raymond Keane held at The Lir from the 9th to the 13th December. Equally I could say authentic, playful, experiential, awe inspiring - one baby step after another. Or I could talk about the mastery of the teaching from the heart, the games we played, the way the child emerged in all of us. I could say things about innocence and beauty and really seeing ourselves and each other. I could also whisper words about being fully present, breathing here and now. But mostly I want to say thank you thank you thank you for such a heartfelt week, for the way the clown in each of us began to emerge, for the trust and safety created in the group, for the joy, renewal and transformation we all experienced through playing with a Master" Anne F. O'Reilly