The Lir Academy Pays Tribute to the Legacy of Monica Frawley
All the staff and students of The Lir Academy are deeply saddened by the passing of our brilliant friend and colleague Monica Frawley. Monica was a towering figure in Irish theatre, in The Lir Academy and in all of our lives. Monica had an immense, original talent. She defined passion, generosity, wit, risk-taking and artistic integrity. She made an enormous contribution to the design teaching at The Lir Academy, as the founding Course Director on our MFA in Stage Design. Monica told it like it was on all things including how young designers should be encouraged and supported. We listened and learned. Not only has she left behind a great legacy in terms of her own work, she has inspired generations of younger designers through her teaching (both at The Lir Academy and at IADT) but also through her mentorship, advocacy and creative genius.