MFA Profiles / Playwriting / Current Students
Ciara Hanley
Lir Academy Training
- MFA Playwriting - 2025
Other Experience
Ciara is a Dublin based writer and actor, and is the recipient of this year's Patricia Leggett Scholarship for Playwriting. Ciara received a first class honours in her undergraduate degree in English and Drama Studies from UCD in 2022. Whilst studying there, she was an active member of UCD Dramsoc. She was awarded 'Best Actress of the Year' for her role as Blanche DuBois in Dramsoc's 2020 production of 'A Streetcar Named Desire', and went on to be auditor of the society in its 2021/22 session.
It was during her time in Dramsoc that she rediscovered her passion for writing. She wrote 'Old Shyte' for the 2021 ISDA festival, which received a nomination for Best New Writing as well as 8 other nominations. Her full-length play, 'Out Out' was performed in UCD, before being brought to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival as part of Free Fringe in 2022.