
Lir Academy Training
  • MFA Theatre Directing - 2023
Other Experience

Sorcha is a Theatre Director from the UK. She is a recent graduate of the University of Exeter with a First Class degree in English Literature BA. Sorcha is a member of the Young Vic Genesis Network as a Director and completed the Exeter Northcott Artist Programme as a Writer and Director. Sorcha has experience working with children as an Assistant Director and vocal coach, as well as devising and developing new writing. She makes playful, energetic, multidisciplinary theatre involving her love of music and movement. She has worked as an opera singer and has been a member of the Berlin Opera Academy.

Sorcha’s recent directing credits include: “Opinion” (Barnfield Theatre, 2022) “Nora: A Doll’s House” (Northcott Theatre, 2022), “Me, Myself, Myself, Myself, Myself” (Written by Nelly Weston, Edinburgh Fringe performance cancelled due to covid, performed at Kay House Outdoor Theatre, Exeter and adapted to be online, 2021; revived and performed in MakeTank ExeFest, Exeter 2021), “Stationary” (Written by Nelly Weston, Roborough Studios, 2021), “Shakers Re-Stirred” (Roedean Theatre, Brighton 2018)

Sorcha’s recent assistant directing credits include, “Photograph 51” (Exeter University Theatre Company, Northcott Theatre and adapted into to a short film, 2021), “Cabaret” (Roedean Theatre Brighton, 2018), and several pieces as Assistant Director at Brighton Little Theatre from 2015-2018.

Instagram: @sorcha.harris1

Twitter: @SorchaHarris1

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